Tagged with CPT Coding

Cigna Requirement to Precertify Oncology Medications

Cigna has implemented an integrated oncology management program which requires providers to precertify certain medical oncology medications through a national ancillary provider (instead of Cigna), including primary chemotherapy, and supportive drugs, such as medical injectables and infusions.

Indiana Medicaid Medical Policy Updates

Anthem BCBS of Indiana has issued notice of medical policy revisions approved by the Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee (MPTAC).

IL BCBSIL NDC Billing Update for Medicare Advantage Claims

Effective December 15, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) will implement edits to validate National Drug Code (NDC)s that are submitted on electronic and paper, professional and institutional Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (PPO) and Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO) claims.

Aetna Clinical Payment, Coding and Policy Updates

Aetna has released updated clinical, payment and coding policy positions, including correct coding of hospital observation, critical care, admission and discharge services, changes to the assistant surgeon list and the pass-through billing policy.

Cigna Medical Policy Updates

Cigna has posted updates to specific medical and preventive care services policies, including its uniform billing editor, pharmacy and infusion services, and omnibus reimbursement.

2018 eCQM Value Set Addendum for EPs, ECs Released

CMS has released an addendum to the electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) annual update specifications originally published in May 2017. This addendum updates eCQM value sets for the 2018 performance period for Eligible Professionals (EPs) and Eligible Clinicians (ECs).

UHC – Genetic and Molecular Testing Prior Auth. Requirement

Effective Nov. 1, UnitedHealthcare will start its online prior authorization/notification program for genetic and molecular testing performed in an outpatient setting for fully insured UnitedHealthcare Commercial Plan members. Providers requesting laboratory testing will be required to complete the prior auth. process as well as indicate the laboratory and test name for specific services.
