Medical Billing Reporting and Dashboards

An integral part of AdvantEdge medical billing services is the web-based comprehensive reporting and analytics tool AdvantEdge Analytics (A2) which provides

  • Online access to all regular and ad-hoc reports
  • A current dashboard with charges, cash, adjustments and A/R information
  • Drill down by location, payor, physician and more

With A2, clients who need even more power have the utmost in flexibility at their fingertips: the ability to create  customized views and reports using any and all data about the practice or group. The data can be highly summarized or at the most granular level.

Information can be compared across time periods, units, physicians, and much more.

Contact us today for a demonstration of how AdvantEdge Analytics can provide powerful new insights for your practice: or 877 501-1611.
