OH – House Considers Blocking Medicaid Expansion Veto
September 2017 ~
In June of 2016, the Governor of Ohio announced he would veto the portion of the state’s budget bill that would put a freeze on new Medicaid expansion enrollment beginning July 1, 2018, and would prevent those who drop from the program from re-enrolling.
This month, the Associated Press (AP) released a memo, currently making its rounds through the House, in which House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger states “would just like to see” where caucus members stand now that efforts to repeal the federal health care law have been delayed.
According the AP release, over 700,000 Ohio residents are currently covered under Medicaid. Opponents of the freeze predict 500,000 Ohio residents would lose coverage within the first 18 months, while supporters of the Medicaid freeze argue that the estimated $5 billion cost will be too much for Ohio’s budget to sustain.
Though a reply deadline was given in the memo, it notes “This does not mean the veto override will be on the floor this week.”
State officials have been told that, if they override the veto, coverage would still be available under Medicaid expansion for those diagnosed with mental illness or drug addiction.